Zimbabwe Consultants leading the way in Harare mining

An increasing number of consultants specialised in the mining sector have taken an interest in Zimbabwe since the end of Robert Mugabe's era and the arrival of Emmerson Mnangagwa.Many are based in the UK, with which Harare's relations have been gradually improving since the change of power, and seek to help the increasing numbers …

Convergent Mining | Consulting, Engineering and Exploration

Grow it. With our expertise in greenfield and brownfield exploration, we offer services from geochemical and rock chip sampling programs to exploration and infill drilling programs. Let us help you stake new ground, discover a new ore …

Resolve Mining Consultants | Zimbabwe Harare …

To be the preferred mining consultancy partner that applies front-line experience, knowledge and modern technology to resolve mining challenges and achieve sustainable growth for the mining companies …

Top Ten operating mines in Zimbabwe 2019

This publication however for the second time is going to come up with a top ten list of operating companies in Zimbabwe. 1. Caledonia Mining Corporation. The Matabeleland based gold miner despite it being a mid-tier gold producer has managed to outperform its peers in the mining sector. The second time in a roll the mining company …

About the Chamber of Mines of Zimbabwe

The Chamber of mines of Zimbabwe (COMZ) is a private sector voluntary organization established in 1939 by an Act of Parliament. We are a membership-based organisation whose members include mining companies, suppliers of machinery, spare parts, and chemicals, service providers including banks, insurance companies, consulting …

CAM & MOTOR MINE | Kadoma Zimbabwe | Search in Africa

CAM & MOTOR MINE Kadoma Zimbabwe. SearchInAfrica - Business Directory and online map for information on business, community, government, entertainment & recreation for Africa


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Important changes to Zimbabwe's mining regulatory framework

The author, Selina Zhuwarara, is a mining law expert and Consultant at Muvingi & Mugadza with an LLB (honours) from the University of Zimbabwe, an Executive Masters in Business Administration from Africa University, Zimbabwe, and an LLM in Extractive Industry Law in Africa (University of Pretoria, South Africa).

Metals and Mining Consulting Firm

We have conducted more than 650 mining consulting engagements across 48 countries in the past five years, comprising: 0 % 15-20% increase in output. 0 % 25-35% capital reductions on major mining projects. 0 % 10-15% of cost reduction benefits from sourcing and supply chain work. Insights.

mining consultants in Zimbabwe | theDirectory.co.zw

Zimbabwe mining consultants Updated: 18/09/2023 | Listed: 26/08/2021 ZiEnergi Ltd

Mining firms fingered in tax evasion

THE country could be losing millions in potential revenue through tax evasion among other underhand dealings involving players in the mining sector, according to the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (Zimra). Although mining contributes nearly 60 percent of the country's foreign currency earnings and employs thousands of people, the tax …

The Valcol Group | Talent Acquisition Search …

Find out more about our services in Zimbabwe and the areas we are specialised in. With well over 36 years' experience, the Valcol Group has become a leader in talent acquisition. We seek and find for …

mining in Zimbabwe

mining in Zimbabwe. this group is for all small scale miners and those who are already big in mining and agricultural related services in Zimbabwe. let's share ideas for all...

Grace Mining Consultants

Grace consists of a team of registered, experienced and professional exploration and mining consultants that provides quality and cost-effective solutions to your geology needs. ... Zimbabwe – Underground Mine Surveyor • Diamonds – Botswana – Open Cast and Underground Mine Surveyor • Precious Metals – South Africa – Senior Manager ...


These include Zimbabwe's mining legislation, environmental impacts of the mining industry at global level, in the SADC region and in Zimbabwe. Problems which confront the industry as well as their possible solutions in Zimbabwe are also examined. From a sustainable development (SD) point of view, mining poses a serious danger which …

Resolve Mining Consultants | Zimbabwe Harare Mining …

At Resolve Mining, we have the capacity to efficiently carry out all or part of drill, blast, load, haul and dump activities as contractors. We offer efficient rock fragmentation in stoping, low-cost secondary blasting and appropriate maintenance of roadways and or tracks. We apply our front-line experience and knowledge to optimise extraction ...

Prorecruit Consultants | Prorecruit Consultants

Supply / Logistics / Transport / Shipping 54Positions. Travel / Tourism / Leisure / Sport. Prorecruit Consultants - Prorecruit Consultants is a recruitment agency in Zimbabwe that specializes in talent acquisition by providing a strategic approach to discovering, engaging and on boarding top talent to proficiently and effectually meet …

Premier African Minerals appoints Afmine as

Afmine has a reputation for safety and efficiency and, inter alia is contracted to some of the major mining houses within Zimbabwe. "The contract is structured to ensure delivery of a minimum of 12,000t at a fixed cost per tonne." "At the same time, negotiations for phase two are well advanced with the essential requirement being the …

BCHOD Zimbabwe

solutions that meet our client's requirements. builders, project managers, local councils and governments. At our core, we are not only engineers. We are designers problem solvers. Multi-disciplinary engineering consultancy & project management services. Civil, Electrical, Structural & Mechanical Engineering services for all your projects.

Arcadia Lithium Project, Harare

The ground-breaking ceremony for the Arcadia lithium project was held in December 2018. The mine produced an average of 212ktpa of spodumene and 216ktpa of petalite in 2019. In December 2019, Prospect released an updated definitive feasibility study (DFS) based on the proposed 2.4 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) mining and …

About us

ZIMGEO is a environment and geospatial solutions provider and aerial survey company using remote sensing and in-situ technologies, based in Zimbabwe. We specialise in high accuracy Radar, Lidar, Hyperspectral and Drone Imagery; as well as a range of Satellite Imagery products for use in the infrastructure, mining, urban mapping, agriculture and …

E S I A Process – Environmental Management Agency (EMA)

To conduct any activities that might have the potential to harm/ have negative effects on the environment, you need an Environmental Impact Assessment from EMA. You cannot implement your project until an Environmental Impact Assessment ( EIA) certificate is granted for the following projects; 1. Dams and man-made lakes. 2. Drainage and irrigation.

Nenyasha Mutandazuru's Post

The full EIA must be conducted by a registered EIA consultant. The EIA review fee is 0.8%, 1%, or 1.2% of the total project cost. The review process takes 60 working days for the full EIA. The EIA ...

Arcadia Open-pit Lithium Project, Harare, Zimbabwe

BioMetallurgical Zimbabwe (BMZ) prepared the Arcadia project's PFS with support from several independent consultants such as Digital Mining Services, MSA Group, Practara, and McDhui Mining Services. The participants group also includes Blonton Management Consultants, Envirosmart Consultancy, and LogiProc and …

PRI International

We have offices in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, Angola, South Africa, Mauritius and Kenya and have successfully run recruitment and HR projects throughout the continent. We also work across multiple industry sectors including mining, NGO's, agriculture, construction, FMCG, financial services and technology to name a few.

Mining Laws and Regulations Report 2024 Zimbabwe

ICLG - Mining Laws and Regulations - Zimbabwe Chapter covers common issues in mining laws and regulations – including the acquisition of rights, ownership requirements and restrictions, processing, transfer and encumbrance, environmental aspects, native title and land rights. Published: 19/09/2023.

Mining Zimbabwe

Thelma Nyabanga: Leading the Way as Acting Metallurgical Engineer at Eureka. Mining Zimbabwe is a reliable source of unfiltered Zimbabwe Mining News. Learn about Mining in Zimbabwe, Policy, Monthly magazine, mining events, gold, lithium.

Ten Exemplary Small Scale miners of 2020

Timothy Chizuzu at 35 years is a miner, mining consultant and Environmentalist with 15 years' experience in consultancy. Chizuzu is currently the Zimbabwe Miners Federation (ZMF) Youth in Mining Chairperson as well as Zimbabwe Prospectors Association (ZPA) Secretary-General. He is also the founder of the National …

Mining Companies in Zimbabwe

Leopard Mining. 9 Brock Road Pardonhurst, Bulawayo. Leopard Mining (Pvt) Ltd is a geological company that provides geological and mining consulting services to the mining industry. Based in Zimbabwe, its head office is situated in Bulawayo.

Technology Risk Solutions, Mining Consultants, Pretoria, …

Technology Risk Solutions Address: 200 Cormorant Cres City of Pretoria Phone number: 087 233 9093 Categories: Mining Consultants, Mining, Training Services, Training & Skills Development, Mining Services, Technology Solutions, Risk Management Area of Activity: RSA Fax: Centurion Zip Code: 0157 Number of employees: 30 Founded in: 1997 …

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