Study on the Effect of Dry–Wet Cycles on Dynamic Mechanical Properties …

The influence of water–rock interaction in the process of coal mine construction cannot be ignored, especially when the groundwater quality is complex and contains acidic substances. In this paper, considering the influence of mining, blasting, and earthquake, the dynamic mechanical properties and fractal characteristics of …

Experimental investigation on the relevance of mechanical properties

Under the effect of chemical etching, the macroscopic mechanical properties, mesoscopic structure, mineral content, and porosity of rocks undergo significant changes, which can lead to the geological disasters; thus, an understanding of changes in the microscopic and macroscopic structure of rocks after chemical etching is crucial. In …

Study on Microscopic Characteristics and Rock Mechanical Properties …

Acidified CO2 fracturing is a viable method for increasing production in deep, tight sandstone reservoirs. However, the potential mechanism of changes in pore structure and mechanical properties of sandstone under acidified CO2 supercritical composite is not clear. Understanding this mechanism is important for the study of crack initiation and …

Characterization of the mechanical behavior and …

We investigate herein the role of acidic dry-wet cycles and dynamic loading on the mechanical stability of sandstone, which is crucial for managing closed and abandoned mines' safety. Using a split Hopkinson pressure bar, we conducted dynamic compression tests on sandstone samples exposed to four acidic conditions (pH = 3, 5, …

Dynamic compression mechanical properties of sandstone …

Khandelwal & Jian Zhou (2023): Dynamic compression mechanical properties of sandstone. supported by Thin Spray-On Liner, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, DOI: 10.1080/15397734. ...

Combined effects of salt, cyclic wetting and drying cycles on …

To explore the effects of salt weathering on these sandstone structures, the physical and mechanical properties of the sandstone samples were examined after a wetting-drying process. In comparing the results of the samples soaked in water and the samples soaked in a solution with MgSO 4, MgSO 4 was found to have a significant …

Experimental assessment on the fatigue mechanical properties …

The experimental results comprehensively evaluate the influence of F-T cycles on the fatigue mechanical properties of sandstone. Using DIC and SEM technique, the progressive fatigue fracture process and microscopic morphologies of fracture surfaces of the F-T treated sandstone specimens are captured and analyzed. …

Mechanical Properties and Energy Evolution of Red Sandstone …

The mechanical properties of red sandstone corroded by acid solutions deteriorated due to a complex process involving various physicochemical effects. Certain voids were formed in the natural rock by physical action. A water film formed on the mineral particles as a result of the acid solution's entry into these voids. This water film ...

Frontiers | The impact of high temperature on mechanical properties …

The study on the evolution of mechanical properties of sandstone with temperature provides a theoretical basis for the extraction of mineral resources in deep sandstone formations and post-disaster engineering construction. 2 Materials and methods 2.1 Sample preparation. To ensure the accuracy of the experimental results, samples were taken ...

Effects of high temperature and acidic solutions on the pore …

Sandstone is a common construction material widely distributed in mountain tunnels. Its stability determines the safety and service life of tunnel projects. The surrounding rock of the tunnel is subject to frequent fire incidents and long-term erosion by acidic groundwater throughout its entire life cycle. This study investigated the pore …

Mechanical Properties and Permeability Evolution of Red Sandstone …

This paper presents the hydro-mechanical behaviors of a red sandstone from the Three Gorges reservoir area using laboratory testing and numerical modelling. A series of laboratory triaxial compression tests were performed on the red sandstone to understand the effect of confining stress and seepage pressure on the rock mechanical …

Effect of internal fractures on mechanical properties and …

Under deep mining conditions, rocks are subjected to complex multi-physical fields and can contain numerous pores and fractures. To explore the influence and correlation of these factors on the physical and mechanical properties of fractured rock samples, this study conducted triaxial compression tests on sandstone specimens …

Experimental Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of Sandstone

In addition, the influence of the anchor bolt on the mechanical properties of SC specimens is also considered. The results show that the mechanical parameters of the SC and sandstone–coal–bolt (SCB) specimens are different from those of other intact rocks and are substantially affected by the angle.

Experimental and numerical investigation of the mechanical properties

The mechanical properties and failure modes of concrete and sandstone under uniaxial compression were investigated. Failure characteristic analysis of single material The failure modes of the rock ...

The effect of CO2 on the mechanical properties of the Captain Sandstone

Mechanical tests with brine. This set aimed to determine the key mechanical properties of brine-saturated sandstone. 2. Mechanical and failure tests with brine, with or without injection of CO 2. These experiments were carried out in the presence of brine, with and without high-pressure CO 2, to assess the effect of calcite dissolution on the ...

Combined effects of freeze–thaw cycles and chemical

To study the combined effects of freeze–thaw cycles and chemical corrosion on deterioration mechanism of triaxial mechanical properties of sandstone in cold regions, triaxial compression tests were carried out on homologous sandstone specimens after corrosion action of acidic, alkaline or neutral solution and cyclic freeze–thaw action, …

Theoretical investigations of mechanical properties of sandstone …

The effect of mechanical load and thermal treatment on sandstone specimen is numerically investigated. Based on Newton's second law, we established the rate- equation model of sandstone rock specimen under uniaxial mechanic load and fire. We introduce in the model the material nonlinear stress/strain relationship and the effect of …

Mechanical properties of sandstone subjected to coupling …

A test and a calculation model for sandstone under thermal–hydrological–mechanical (THM) coupling were proposed to reveal the mechanical properties of sandstone. The law of coupling for ...

Pore characteristics and mechanical properties of sandstone …

The mechanical properties of marble, limestone, and sandstone as well as the stress-strain curve, the varying characteristics of the peak strength, the peak strain and elastic modulus were studied by …

Research on the Mechanism of Fracturing Fluid's Influence on Mechanical …

ABSTRACT. Fracturing fluid is the main cause of reservoir damage during hydraulic fracturing. Fracturing fluid will change the mechanical properties of reservoir rock, and the effect of proppant-propping hydraulic fractures will be affected. To study the changes and internal mechanism of sandstone mechanical properties after guar gum …

Evaluation of the effects of three different cooling methods …

Mainly, the mechanical properties of sandstone significantly decrease when the temperature is higher than 600 ℃. Besides, the rapid cooling of water and LN 2 induces more pores, and the invasion of water weakens the connection between mineral particles, resulting in a further decrease in strength.

Influence of Coarse Grain Content on the …

Coarse-grained red sandstone soil is often used as embankment filling material but is prone to being broken by extrusion, which lowers the stability of the roadbed. This paper aimed to clarify the …

Variability in Mechanical Properties and Cracking Behavior …

The mechanical properties of frozen fissured rock masses are crucial considerations for engineering in frozen earth. However, there has been little research on the mechanical properties of frozen fissured sandstone, including its strength, deformation, and geometric parameters. In this study, sandstone samples with three …

Influence of molding process on mechanical properties of sandstone

Molding process has a strong influence on the mechanical properties of bio-sandstone, because different molding methods could affect the microbe content absorbed in sand column so that the precipitated calcite and pore content are different in bio-sandstone. It is better to use pumping molding procedure than non-pressure molding, …

A modified true triaxial apparatus for measuring mechanical properties

The results showed that the selective adsorption of mineral compositions of sandstone on CO 2 /N 2 /H 2 O has obvious effects on mechanical behaviors. The linear elastic modulus of CO 2-H 2 O coupled sandstone was slightly greater than that of H 2 O-bearing sandstone, but significantly less than that of CO 2 - or N 2-bearing sandstone.

Experimental research on unloading mechanical properties of sandstone

The mechanical properties of deep rocks are obviously affected by the initial unloading level and water pressure environment. By carrying out triaxial compression tests and unloading tests on ...

Uniaxial Mechanical Properties of Sandstone under Cyclic …

Abstract. Water is an important factor that influences the mechanical properties of rock. Uniaxial compressive experiments have been carried out on sandstone under different cyclic times of drying ...

Study on the mechanical properties of sandstone-shale …

In order to analyze the influence of different confining pressures on the mechanical properties of sandstone-shale composite samples with different rock combinations. The calibrated parameters mentioned above were used to perform uniaxial and triaxial simulations on the numerical model in Fig. 2, with confining pressures set at …

Coupled Effects of Acid and Temperature on the Damage

To better understand the acid-temperature coupling mechanism, it is critical to quantify the coupled effects of acid and temperature on the damage characteristics of sandstone. In this paper, macroscopic mechanical properties and microstructure changes of sandstone samples under different acid-temperature conditions are obtained by …

Study on mechanical properties and fracture surface …

Test methodology. The selected argillaceous sandstone is the surrounding rock of the tunnel, the maximum burial depth is about 500 m, and the maximum in-situ stress level is about 15 MPa, so the ...

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