Latest Update on COVID-19 Dynamics in Jiangsu as of 24:00 …

From January 22, 2020 to January 10, 2022, 1,628 confirmed cases (including 171 inbound ones) had been reported in Jiangsu cumulatively. The latest update on COVID-19 risk levels: As of 22:00 January 10, 2022, there had been 18 high-risk and 82 medium-risk areas across the Chinese mainland. High-risk areas (18):

TCM expert speaks on COVID-19 prevention and treatment …

The professor elaborated on the characteristics and advantages of TCM in preventing and treating COVID-19 and its sequelae, including the effects of the drugs in combination with Western medicine on treating patients with mild symptoms and preventing the disease from worsening to critical condition.

Chinese scientists make quantum leap in computing

Chinese scientists have built world's first quantum computing machine that goes beyond the early classical -- or conventional -- computers, paving the way to the ultimate realization of quantum computing beating classical computers.

Gulou District holds 4th International Community Festival

The 4th International Community Festival of Gulou District in Nanjing city opened on October 30. As a cultural exchange program, it first started in 2018 amid the district's efforts to become a foreigner-friendly zone, part of Nanjing's drive to be an international city.

All-climate Battery Adopted by Beijing Winter Olympics

An all-climate battery has been adopted by the 2022 Beijing Olympic Winter Games as one of the core technologies to power its Olympic electric vehicles.

Top 10 international science stories of 2020

Top 10 international science stories of 2020. From the rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines to DeepMind's new AI solution AlphaFold, here is a round-up of some of the most important scientific advances of 2020. # Record-breaking COVID-19 vaccine development. A worker in the food processing industry receives a COVID-19 jab at an inoculation ...


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Scientists discuss how to advance science and technology in …

Four scientists shared their thoughts on how to best understand and practice the spirit of scientists in the new era and how to promote scientific and technological innovation.

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