BSc. Geology | Department of Geology | Ahmadu Bello …

Course Synopsis. GEOL101. Physical Geology. 2. First Semester. Origin of the universe. Concept of Palaeomagnetism and continental drifts. Processes of weathering, soil formation, erosion, transportation and deposition of materials by mass movement, water, air and ice. Landforms and their formation related to geological parameters.

All About Minerals

Lithium and graphite are used to make the battery. Diamonds are also an industrial mineral. Because of their hardness, diamonds are used for many things. This includes drills used for cutting and polishing. They are also used to make stronger lasers and in treating cancer! A drill bit used in the drilling of oil wells.

1.4 Minerals and Rocks – Physical Geology

A mineral is a pure substance with a specific composition and structure, while a rock is typically a mixture of several different minerals (although a few types of rock may include only one type of mineral). Examples of minerals are feldspar, quartz, mica, halite, calcite, and amphibole. Examples of rocks are granite, basalt, sandstone ...

Nigeria's mineral resources in the context of Africa's mineral …

Figure 5: Simplified Geology of Nigeria Nigeria has often been described as a country endowed with 'abundant' or 'vast' solid mineral resources, including but not limited to precious, ferrous and base metals, some energy minerals and a variety of industrial (non-metallic) minerals and rocks. According to the Nigeria Geological Survey ...


Nigeria is endowed with about 34 solid minerals identified in 450 loc ations in the country. Some of these minerals include gold, iron ore, cassiterite, columbite, wolframite, pyrochlore, monazite ...

Nigeria's Solid Minerals as a Source of Economic …

the benefits of the sector and avoid the mistakes of the hydrocarbon era.V. Conclusion I will conclude by. stating that Nigeria's solid minerals are indeed a latent resource, ready to …


The aim of this study is to classify and define the parent rocks in Dutse, Jigawa State Nigeria. An Integrated Surface Soil Approach (ISSA) was used to achieve this goal.

8 Major Mineral Resources Of Nigeria And Their Locations

2. Minerals such as coal and gas are the main source of power and energy in the country. 3. Minerals contribute to the growth of towns, and cities, most especially on any country endowed with them. 4. The possession of minerals enriches foreign earning of Nigeria which enhances the standard of living of the people. 5.

Ownership and Control of Natural Resources under the Nigerian

Ownership is a complex juristic concept which has its origin in the Ancient Roman Law. ... embedded in the sands and rocks beneath the ea rth's surface ... The Nigeria Minerals and Mining Act 70 ...

Review of Geology and Mineral Resources of Nigeria

ISBN 978-3-540-92684-9. Price US$159.00. Since the creation of the Geological Survey of Nigeria in. 1903, numerous studies have been carried out on various as-. pects of the geology and mineral ...

List of Natural Mineral Resources Found in Ondo State

This mineral resource can be found in large deposits in this state. Granite is a rare and very useful mineral, that is used in many industries. GOLD. Another state having gold in Nigeria is Ondo state. Gold mines are present in this state in few regions. The government of Nigeria is fortunate to have many states having gold mines. MARBLE

Environmental Aspects of Solid Mineral Resources …

Abstract. Solid mineral resources are a nation's natural endowment. They include native metals, industrial minerals, ores and gemstones on which mankind depend for their …

Review of Geology and Mineral Resources of …

ISBN 978-3-540-92684-9. Price US$159.00. Since the creation of the Geological Survey of Nigeria in. 1903, numerous studies have been carried out on various as- pects of the geology and mineral...

The Rock Cycle

Metamorphic Rocks Metamorphic rocks are rocks that have been changed from their original form by immense heat or pressure. Metamorphic rocks have two classes: foliated and nonfoliated. When a rock with flat or elongated minerals is put under immense pressure, the minerals line up in layers, creating foliation. Foliation is the aligning of ...

What is Rock, Types of Rocks and Classification

The rock cycle is a fundamental concept in geology that describes the continuous process of formation, transformation, and recycling of rocks on the Earth's surface and in its interior. It involves the interplay of various geological processes that lead to the formation of different types of rocks, including igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks.

Introduction to Mineralogy and Petrology | ScienceDirect

A full-cycle concept introduced starting from mineral, exploration, resource/reserves, mining, beneficiation, smelting, refining, pure metal/mineral, and finished good for common man in the society. Select Chapter 11 - Hazards of minerals—rocks and sustainable development. Book chapter Full text access.

(PDF) Solid Mineral Deposits and Mining in …

24% of the GDP, while co ntribution from m anufacturing has fluctuated and rec ently stabilized at about 21%. In 2015, Nigeria's solid minerals and mining sector ac counted for a paltry 0.3% of ...

Review of Practices in the Managements of Mineral Wastes …

Throughout the world, large quantities of mineralised rocks are daily mined from numerous ore deposits (Fig. 1) and comminuted through crushing and grindinge in next the physical and chemical processing in view of recovering minerals or metals of interest intended for the manufacturing of fertilisers, cars, electrical and electronic …

Geology of Nigeria Precambrian Basement complex Sedimentary rocks

along the main river valleys as thin and discontinuous. sandy beds to thick sedimentary units up to 15 km wide. and 15 –30 m thick along the channels of rivers Niger and. Benue, as well as along ...

Major Mineral Resources in Nigeria: Full List & Locations …

About 1 billion. tonnes of gypsum deposits are spread across some states in Nigeria. These includes Adamawa, Anambra, Bauchi, Bayelsa, Benue, Borno, Delta, Edo, Gombe, Imo, Kogi, Ondo and Sokoto. This is one of the mineral resources in Nigeria that is underutilized yet has a lot of application.

1.3: Elements, Minerals, and Rocks

1.3: Elements, Minerals, and Rocks. 1.28 Elements, minerals, and rocks. This figure (1.28) shows the relationships between elements (bottom), minerals (center), and rocks (top). Elements, singly or in combination, make up minerals. For example, some of the most common elements in Earth's crust make up the minerals quartz, alkali …


Using the discriminant plots of TaVs Rb, Ta vs Cs .TaVs K/Cs, and Ta Vs (Cs+Rb) where most of the samples of the whole rock pegmatite and mineral extracts plots above the Beus line and about …

Solid Mineral Deposits and Mining in Nigeria:

Nigeria is often described as a country endowed with abundant mineral resources, including the occurrence of over 40 different solid minerals at approximately 450 locations. However, many of these occurrences can …

Earth's Crust: Elements, Minerals and Rocks

Elements in the Earth's Crust. The earth is composed of various kinds of elements. About 98% of the total crust is made up of eight elements as oxygen, silicon, aluminium, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium. The rest is constituted by elements like titanium, hydrogen, phosphorous, manganese, sulphur, carbon, nickel and …

Geology and Mineral Resources of Kogi State, Nigeria

The State lies between longitudes 6 0 42′ and 6 0 70′ E and latitudes 7 0 30′ and 7 0 50′ N. It has a landmass of 29,833 square kilometres. The geological setting of Kogi State is unique ...

(PDF) Land Ownerships, Natural Resources and the

Land Ownerships, Natural Resources and the Evolution of Co nflicts in Nigeria. Anugbum Onuoha, PhD. Faculty of Law, Rivers State Uni versity, Nigeria. Abstract. It is a catastrophic paradox that ...

3.8: Metamorphic Rocks

The reason rocks undergo metamorphism is that the minerals in a rock are only stable under a limited range of pressure, temperature, and chemical conditions. ... The knowledge of temperatures and pressures at which particular types of metamorphic rocks form led to the concept of metamorphic facies. Each metamorphic facies is represented by a ...

Overview of Nigeria's Mineral Resources in the Context …

Key Words: Africa's mineral wealth, mineral resources of Nigeria; mineral exploration . 2 ... as iron ores, bauxite, industrial minerals and rocks, gemstones and rare earths that are

Detailed Lesson Plan

This document provides a detailed lesson plan for identifying common rock-forming minerals using physical and chemical properties. The 1-hour lesson for grade 11 earth science students involves collaborative group work identifying minerals from video clips, constructing a table of properties, and a formative assessment test. The goal is for …

Geology of Nigeria | SpringerLink

Geology, which is the study of rocks, minerals and the physical make-up of the solid earth, determines the environment and natural resources and in essence the industrial potential and wealth of a nation (Petters 2004).Geomorphology is the study of the physical features of the Earth's crust as related to the geological features and …

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