The cement has been replaced by Copper slag accordingly in the range of 0% (without Copper slag), 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% is one phase and sand has been replaced by Copper slag accordingly in the range of 0% (without Copper slag), 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% is second phase by weight of cement for M25 mix.
Flexural strength of concrete by partial replacing sand and cement with copper slag and GGBS From Fig.5, The Flexure strength of concrete is increases by 5.14% with partial replacement of 30%CS ...
Revathi et al. (2023) conducted a study to investigate the effects of replacing sand with copper slag and adding coconut fiber as reinforcement in concrete. The study found that copper slag can effectively replace sand in concrete while maintaining or even enhancing compressive strength, split tensile strength, and toughness.
This research work is done by replacing copper slag with sand from 0% to 60% in concrete and the splitting tensile strength of replaced copper slag concrete was compared with control concrete ...
For this research work, M20 grade concrete was used and tests were conducted for various proportions of copper slag replacement with sand of 0 to 60%, cement of 0 to 20% in concrete.
Abstract and Figures. The use of copper slag (CS) as fine aggregate and partial substitute of cement for mortar preparationwas studied. Results showed an increase on compressive and flexural ...
A constant percentage of marble dust powder was added to replace the binder material (cement). Additionally, copper slag replaced 10%, 20%, and 30% of the fine aggregate, and recycled aggregate replaced 10%, 20%, and 30% of the coarse aggregate. According to the M-30 standard, water/cement ratios in concrete mixtures …
SCC costs higher than conventional concrete (CC) because of the material constituents used in its production. WCS as a by-product of increased copper usage has the potential to replace the fine aggregates used in producing concrete [9, 17, 29,30,31,32,33].Few works of literature are available on flow properties, mechanical …
copper slag and foundry sand in design mix concrete. This study reports the potential use of granulated cop. er slag as a replacement for sand in concrete mixes. Copper slag is considered as waste materi. l and can be used as replacement of fine aggregates. The possibility of substituting natural fine aggregate with industrial by-products such ...
PREVIOUS YEARS (2016 - 2010) Archives- All Editions; Archives. 2021 Publications. 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12
For this research work, M20 grade concrete was used and tests were conducted for various proportions of copper slag replacement with sand of 0 to 60%, cement of 0 to 20% in concrete.
The effect of replacing fine aggregate by copper slag on the compressive strength and split tensile strength are attempted in this work. Leaching studies demonstrate that granulated copper slag does not pave way for leaching of harmful elements like copper and iron present in slag. The percentage replacement of sand by granulated copper …
Experimental investigations are carried out by replacing sand with copper slag in content of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60% and keeping all other ingredients constant.
The results showed that replacing a natural sand fine aggregate with copper slag improved the compressive strength of concrete, and the optimum replacement rate was found to be 40% ...
Results indicated that replacing fine aggregate with copper slag up to showed no strength reduction. Increasing the molarity of the NaOH solution to 16M led to an increased strength of about 35% …
For the purpose of experimental investigation ten mixes were formulated by replacing sand with varying content of copper slag. Copper slag replaces river sand in percentages of 0, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100 by weight. Test results on workability indicated an increasing trend with increase in the content of copper slag in …
One such solution would be the utilization of copper slag aggregates in replacing natural fine aggregates in concrete [10] ... The gradation analysis of river sand and copper slag are shown in Fig. 1 which clearly shows that copper slag has more gravel size and sand sized particles as compared to that of river sand. Ordinary Portland …
The results indicate that copper slag concrete. has excellent resistance to weight and strength lo ss at an elevated. temperature of 200 C, 400 C compared to normal concrete. however at 600 C ...
2.1 Copper Slag-. At prese nt ab out 33 million tonnes of copper slag is generating annually worldwide among that India. contributing 6 to 6 .5 million tonnes. 50 % copper slag can be used as ...
A unique geopolymer concrete mixture suitable for paving, referred to as paving quality geopolymer concrete (PQGC), was developed by incorporating slag sand (SS) as a substitute for river sand (RS).
By substituting fly ash for cement, 40% of the cement was eliminated. Copper slag has been substituted for fine aggregate in various quantities ranging from 10% to 50% in the concrete compositions. In total, six concrete mix proportions have been produced, for which the parameters like water absorption and chloride permeability were …
The current investigation is an attempt to perform the strength and durability studies on slag cement concrete prepared by using copper slag (CS) as a fractional/full replacement for natural fine ...
The present work investigates copper slag as a substitute for river sand in high-strength concrete. The concrete mixtures were manufactured with 10%, 30%, 50%, 70%, and of copper slag to ...
The objective of the present study is to utilize high volume copper slag (i.e. ) as a replacement to fine aggregate and partially replacing cement with Nano silica. The work is carried out in two phases. In the first phase, the fine aggregate is replaced with copper slag in different percentages of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and .
The replacement of natural resources in the manufacture of cement and sand is the present issue in the present construction scenario. Copper slag and Ground Granulated Blast furnace Slag (GGBS ...
1. Introduction. Copper slag is a kind of industrial waste generated during the process of copper smelting [1, 2].Production of 1 ton of copper generates nearly 2.2–3.0 tons of copper slag and about 51.7 million tons of copper slag is generated from global copper production per year [3, 4].Relevant studies have found that using the recycled …
The decrease in thermal conductivity coefficient as a result of replacing sand with waste copper slag is an effect that has also been observed in other cases where s uch an exchange has taken place.
This work focuses on the use of copper slag, as a partial replacement of sand for use in cement concrete and building construction. Cement mortar mixtures prepared with fine aggregate made up of different proportions of copper slag and sand were tested for use as masonry mortars and plastering. Three masonry wall panels of …
In this regard halfway replacing of Cement with GGBS and Sand with Copper Slag is considered. Exploratory review is directed to assess the workability and quality attributes of solidified concrete ...
In Alkali Activated Slag Concrete, when Quartz Sand (QS) is used as FA and cured in ambient conditions resulted in a compressive strength of 44 N/mm 2 [18]. ... The split tensile strength of concrete is improved by replacing fine aggregate with treated sea sand enhance by the strength 34.97%, whereas Graphite Tailings (GT) …