Effect of Oxidative Pretreatment and Lead Nitrate Addition …

Cyanidation is the main process in gold leaching. There are several parameters that affect gold recovery and cyanide consumption. In this paper, the effect of the oxidative pretreatment and lead nitrate addition on the cyanidation of Zarshuran refractory gold ore containing 3.32 ppm Au, 1.09% As, and 0.5% sulfur were …

Mechanisms of sulfide ion oxidation during cyanidation. Part …

The sulfur allotropes forming on the gold surface also passivate the gold surface and limit the access of the lixiviants required for the gold leaching process.

Non-cyanide Extraction of Gold from Carlin-Type Gold

The extraction of gold increased from 9.7 to 82.1%. The sulfur conversion mechanism and the distribution of the gold phase as a function of leaching temperature during the pressure oxidation leaching process were investigated. ... an appropriate amount of non-cyanide gold leaching agent and activated carbon (60 g) were added to …

The effect of sulfide minerals on the leaching of gold in …

The effect of galvanic interactions and sulfide mineral dissolution on the gold leaching kinetics in aerated cyanide solutions is investigated. Gold leaching kinetics were measured using a ...


Leaching process of gold. 3. Methodology In this study, cyanide had been used as a leaching reagent for gold leaching process. The feed composition used in the HSC simulation was ores (Au) = 0.15 kg/hr, O2 = 113.45 kg/hr, CN- = 2.9117kg/hr, OH- = 0.9519 kg/hr, Na+ = 4.0397 kg/hr and H2O = 55994 kg/hr from literature. The gold …

Advances in the Cyanidation of Gold

To avoid hydrolysis of cyanide [Eq.(26.2)], leaching must be carried out under alkaline conditions: (26.2) CN – + H 2 O → HCN + OH – However, in saline water, such as in many cyanidation plants in Western Australia, gold leaching is performed at a pH below 10 to reduce the high cost of lime under these buffering conditions.

Technical Report: Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches …

2. CYANIDE LEACHING Cyanidation uses solutions of sodium or potassium cyanide as lixiviants (leaching agents) to extract precious metals from ore. Cyanidation techniques used in the gold industry today include heap or valley fill leaching, agitation leaching followed by carbon-in-pulp (CIP), and agitated carbon-in-leach (CIL). Cyanidation is best

Effects of pyrite, quartz and sodium sulfite on roasting of a

Complex refractory gold ores, which have become a major raw material for global gold production (Bas et al., 2017), generally contain gold, silver, copper, sulfur and other valuable elements. The complex properties, many cyanide-consuming substances (Deschenes et al., 2000), and gold particles of fine size range (Bas et al., 2018) lead to …

Gold passivation by sulfur species: A molecular picture

The elemental sulfur has been identified as one of the main contributors to the formed passivated film both in the thiosulfate leaching of gold and the cyanide leaching of sulfide containing ores (Jeffrey and Breuer, 2000, Jeffrey, 2008, Baron, 2013). It has been suggested that the passivation film is a monolayer of AuS x (Grönbeck et al., 2006).

Experimental analysis on cyanide removal of gold tailings

The detection standard is that the total cyanide content in the tailings toxic leaching solution is less than 0.05 mg/L, while the national standard GB/T 14848-2017 "Quality of Groundwater" The ...

Bottle Roll Testing for Cyanidation of Gold Ores: …

Cyanide leaching of gold is a very common methodology for evaluation of low grade gold ores. Despite risks associated with cyanide, the method proved to be highly effective provided that necessary precautions are taken. ... 4.2% total carbon, 0.7% organic carbon, more than 4% sulphur, 3.22% iron and around 0.5% copper. Table 1: Extent of gold ...

Cyanides in the environment—analysis—problems and challenges

Water containing cyanide ions is often treated with sulphur dioxide, chlorination process and/or aeration. ... chromatographic techniques are characterized by a low limit of detection at the level of milligrams per litre and high precision. ... The fate of cyanide in leach wastes at gold mines: an environmental perspective. Appl Geochem. …

Evaluation of the Cyanidation Leaching of Gold in a Waste …

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Kinetic gold leach monitoring including J cyanide …

The head grade analysis of the sample indicated that it contained 13 g/t gold, 48.8% Iron and 37.7% Sulphur. The leach was performed in a small scale, 3L, reactor fitted with an overhead stirrer and compressed air/pure oxygen (Afrox 99%) sparger. The leach was carried out by using 1:1 concentrate: water ratio.

Effect of pH on Cyanidation Process

Briefly, the concentrations of HCN & free cyanide are equal in slurry/solution at pH -9.4; at pH 70% of cyanide is lost as HCN gas; the conversion of free CN to cyanate (CNO-) requires strong oxidizing conditions (Inco process, per oxygen chemicals, ozonation etc) & is therefore unlikely under CIL/CIP aeration conditions and yes, pH >11 will ...

Pretreatment of refractory gold minerals by ozonation …

Generally, the leaching of gold by cyanidation without any pre-oxidation causes an extraction lower than 90%. In recent decades, a variety of treatment and pretreatment methods have been used to increase the recovery of refractory gold ores. ... [16], 4) ability to eliminate sulphur as sulphur dioxide or sulphate [18], 5) higher kinetics …

The influence of pyrite pre-oxidation on gold recovery by cyanidation

Gold extraction after pre-oxidation under appropriate conditions increased from 20% of direct cyanide leaching to 70.0%. Cyanide consumption decreased from 2.5 kg/t ore for direct cyanide leaching to 1.5 kg/t ore with the pre-oxidation. It was found that gold extraction mainly dependent on the extent of sulfide oxidation under the conditions ...

A clean and efficient innovative technology for refractory sulfide gold

1. Introduction. Gold is a precious strategic metal that is driving everyday life, the electronics industry, and the global economy (Zhan et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2022a, Zhang et al., 2022b, Zhang et al., 2022c, Zhang et al., 2022).However, with the depletion of high-quality gold ore, refractory gold resources (gold recovery efficiency rate of <50% …

Oxidation Behaviour and Bio-oxidation of Gold …

The paper presents an overview of bio-oxidation of sulphidic refractory gold ores prior to gold cyanidation. This review discusses several factors, more importantly, oxygen requirements and oxygen ...

Oxidative leaching of refractory sulphidic gold tailings with …

The gold extraction from the refractory sulphidic gold tailing by [Bmim + HSO 4− ]-water solution 20% (v/v)/thiourea/ferric ion was conducted at longer extraction times of 1 day, 2 days, 3 days and 5 days at pH = 1, temperature 60 °C and shaking speed of 250 rpm. Fig. 3 demonstrates the gold extraction at longer leaching times.

A review on the negative impact of different elements …

The ongoing depletion of gold and silver-containing ore deposits demands a shift towards the processing of more complex sources. Leaching of gold or silver from these sources, which are named refractory and are typically low-grade, can be complicated due to one or more of the following effects: (1) kinetic or thermodynamic impediments on …

Technical Note – Development in gold leaching using …

cyanide acces~ble gold being left in the residue, even after 24 hours. However, final gold extraction is already achieved after 6 hours when the PA-Lprocess is applied. 3 2 1 0 "L.—. —@— —. —o— . with H202 I [ 1 I I I 1 I 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 2.t I retention time (h) I Fig. 2 — Residual gold concentration in the Fairview ore as a ...

Characteristics of Gold Minerals in Gold Concentrate …

Cyanide has high gold dissolution because of its strong complexation with gold, but impurities such as copper and arsenic can also react with cyanide, which adversely affects the cyanidation process [8]. The presence of copper minerals during the cyanidation leaching of copper-bearing gold ores has various disadvantages. …


1. Free cyanide and thiosulfate (Reaction 8) are preferentially oxidised prior to the oxidation of copper cyanide and thiocyanate which occur in parallel. 2. The control of pH is important since at low pH, HCN forms which is not readily oxidised and the rate of cyanate oxidation increases. 2 4 2-2 4 2-4H 2 5 S 2 3 HO →+ 5HSO (8) Hydrogen ...

Effect of Oxidative Pretreatment and Lead Nitrate

Cyanidation is the main process in gold leaching. There are several parameters that affect gold recovery and cyanide consumption. In this paper, the effect of the oxidative pretreatment and lead ...

Activation and Deactivation Effects of Lead on Gold Cyanidation …

Abstract. The addition of lead to a gold leaching reactor can effectively accelerate or retard the gold cyanidation reaction. This study explored the effect of lead on the gold dissolution kinetics using cyclic voltammetry (CV) experiments. It was illustrated that the gold leaching kinetics in the cyanide solution enhanced with the addition of ...

Preg-robbing phenomena in the cyanidation of sulphide gold …

The detection of gold on the minerals may have been low due to the high detection limit of the experimental technique, which was ... The level of free cyanide could also be reduced by reaction with the elemental sulphur formed in Eq. (5 ... The role of metal–cyanide species in leaching gold from a copper concentrate. Minerals …

Cyanide Use in Gold Mining

A sodium cyanide solution is commonly used to leach gold from ore. There are two types of leaching: Heap leaching: In the open, cyanide solution is sprayed over huge heaps of crushed ore spread atop giant …

A review of environmentally friendly gold lixiviants: …

Gold leaching with thiourea has the advantages of fast speed (four to five times faster than that of cyanide leaching) and a high leaching rate for refractory gold ores (Choi et al., 2017, Lee et al., 2018). Thiourea is stable under acidic conditions and can form coordinating compounds with Au ions in the presence of an oxidizing agent.

How Copper Affects Cyanidation & Leaching

CuSO4 + 2 NaCN = Cu (CN)2 + Na2SO4. Cupric cyanide, when precipitated thus, is greenish yellow in color. On standing for a short time, or on heating, the precipitate changes to white flocculent cuprous cyanide. This is due to the decomposition of the unstable cupric cyanide into cuprous cyanide and cyanogen: 2 Cu (CN)2 = 2 CuCN …

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