Focusing on the Merseburg process: Benefits on Industrial

The authors propose converting this waste into ammonium sulfate by the process called Merseburg (Ammonia-carbonation) [120, 121]. Recently, based on this process, a study has been conducted on the ...

Revisiting the Merseburg Process: Economic Opportunity …

The process for manufacture of ammonium sulfate from gypsum, known as the Merseburg Process, named for the town in Germany where it was developed, has been …

Ammonium sulfate and the methods of …

In this process, ammonium bi-sulfate is formed first. Heating at higher temperatures causes it to decompose into ammonia, nitrogen, sulfur dioxide, and water. Ammonium sulfate solution is acidic …

Revisiting The Merseburg Process Economic Opportunity and …

Revisiting the Merseburg Process Economic Opportunity and Enviro - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This document summarizes a presentation given at the Beneficiation of Phosphates VIII conference about revisiting the Merseburg process for producing ammonium sulfate from gypsum. The …

General schematic of the experimental methodology

Phosphogypsum (PG) is a by-product of wet process phosphoric acid production, mainly composed of calcium sulfate dihydrate (gypsum) together with some impurities. The annual accumulation rate of ...

Study on the kinetics of the conversion of Moroccan

During the conversion process, the transfer factor of trace metals into the precipitated CaCO 3 is high, approximately 90%. Hence, sodium sulfate and ammonium sulfate were obtained with high purity. Divalent metals such as Pb, Ni, Cu, Cd, and Zn can be easily incorporated into the precipitate because of adsorption on the precipitated …

Focusing on the Merseburg process: Benefits on Industrial

In this manner, the Merseburg process (the ammono-carbonation of gypsum) allows both CO2 capture and PG recycling. Products are ammonium sulfate, a …

Manufacture of ammonium sulfate fertilizer from

Costs for constructing and operating a conceptual plant based on a proposed process that converts flue gas desulfurization (FGD)-gypsum to ammonium sulfate fertilizer has been calculated and used to estimate a market price for the product. The average market price of granular ammonium sulfate ($138/ton) exceeds the rough …

Utilization of natural gypsum for the preparation of ammonium sulfate …

Ammonium sulfate is used as a fertilizer because it supplies nitrogen and sulfur for plant nutrients. It can be obtained by three processes: as recovery from coke oven, a by-product from caprolactum and gypsum process. Natural gypsum fulfills the demands of the cement industries and is used by farmers as a direct fertilizer for reconditioning of alkaline solids …

Capture and storage of CO2 into waste phosphogypsum: …

Chou et al. (1996) concluded that the Merseburg process was also economically viable, although the crystal size of ammonium sulphate produced was in the range 1.2–3.3

Prarancangan Pabrik Ammonium Sulfat Dari Ammonia, …

The Merseburg process begins with the reaction between ammonia and carbon dioxide in a carbonation tower (AB-01) which will produce ammonium carbonate. Then, in the CSTR reactor (R-01), the resulting ammonium carbonate will be reacted with gypsum to produce ammonium sulfate and calcium carbonate products.

Process for the production of ammonium sulphate

Definitions. the invention relates to a process for the production of ammonium sulphate from aqueous ammonia solution and gaseous sulphur dioxide or from gases containing sulphur dioxide for instance the gases from burners, in which first of all a solution of ammonia sulphite and ammonium bisulphite produced from sulphur dioxide and the …

A Review on Ammono-Carbonation Reactions: Focusing on …

Ammono-carbonation reaction of any kind of gypsum (pure, PG or FGD gypsum) with ammonium carbonate known as Merseburg Process is used to produce ammonium …

Raman spectrum of the modified Merseburg process PCC

Phosphogypsum (PG) is a by-product of wet process phosphoric acid production, mainly composed of calcium sulfate dihydrate (gypsum) together with some impurities. The annual accumulation rate of ...

Revisiting the Merseburg Process: Economic Opportunity …

Synthetic: Direct reaction of ammonia and sulphuric acid. Scrubbing coke-oven gas with sulphuric acid. Recovery from industrial byproduct liquors. Most common is from waste …

A Review on Ammono-Carbonation Reactions: …

Ammono-carbonation reaction of any kind of gypsum (pure, PG or FGD gypsum) with ammonium carbonate known as Merseburg Process is used to produce ammonium sulfate and calcium carbonate.

The Role of the Merseburg Process in Industrial …

The Merseburg process is also known as the ammonia-car - bonation reaction, and was first developed in Germany between 1913 and 1918. In 1923, production started in the United Kingdom and Korea. The first plant to use PG in the Merseburg process in 1942 was in Selzeate, France. In the 1950s and 1960s, plants in Germany, India, Pakistan,


The process for manufacture of ammonium sulfate from gypsum, known as the Merseburg Process, named for the town in Germany where it was developed, has been commercially produced in plants in Austria, India, Pakistan and the United Kingdom in the past. It is based on reacting ammonia and carbon dioxide to produce

Temperature profile of ammonium carbonate formation in …

Phosphogypsum (PG) is a by-product of wet process phosphoric acid production, mainly composed of calcium sulfate dihydrate (gypsum) together with some impurities. The annual accumulation rate of ...

Chemical composition of phosphogypsum prior and after …

Although an ammonium sulphate production is foreseen with the evaluation of carbon dioxide and phosphogypsum waste with the Merseburg process, the effect of the impurity content of the waste ...

Phosphogypsum Two-Step Ammonia-Carbonation Resulting in Ammonium

In this process, the attack of 2 tons of PR with sulfuric acid (H 2 SO 4) produces about 1 ton of phosphoric acid (H 3 PO 4) and 5 tons of calcium sulfate dihydrate (CaSO 4 ·2H 2 O) known as phosphogypsum waste (PG) [].Annually, the current production of PG worldwide is more than 250 million tons [].In Morocco, it exceeds 25 million tons …

A Review on Ammono-Carbonation Reactions: Focusing on the Merseburg

Tel.: +90 536 619 5776 ; e-mail: [email protected]. with acting in plants stress responses and host-pathogen interactions. Affecting the plants on biochemical level, sulphur, takes part in the growth, development, disease resistance and nutritional quality of …

The sulfur recovery from gypsums with a higher H2/CO

As for the solid residues as well as CO 2 gas exhaust from the GP-based chemical looping process, the Merseburg process can be applied to produce various value-added products, such as the capture of the concentrating CO 2 to be stored as CaCO 3 through the aqueous carbonation process ... (CaCO 3) and co-producing ammonium …

Focusing on the Merseburg process: benefits on industrial

Products are ammonium sulfate, a well-desired nitrogenous fertilizer and CaCO3, a functional filler material utilized in various kinds of industries. The Merseburg process allows dual environmental benefits by allowing the consumption of an industrial by-product and performing CO2 capture technology, both contributing to sustainable …

Capture and storage of CO2 into waste phosphogypsum: the …

In this study, we carried out a bench scale technical feasibility of the Merseburg process modified by omitting the CO 2 scrubbing towers in an attempt to …

Kinetics of the conversion reaction of gypsum with ammonium carbonate

The phosphogypsum was converted to saleable ammonium sulphate and precipitated calcium carbonate in a modified Merseburg process. The heat from the ammonium carbonate formation exothermicity ...

The Role of the Merseburg Process in Industrial …

Ammono-carbonation reaction of any kind of gypsum (pure, PG or FGD gypsum) with ammonium carbonate known as Merseburg Process is used to produce ammonium sulfate and calcium carbonate.

Optimasi Proses Merseburg Pada Pabrik Amonium Sulfat Dari Amonium

The capacity of the ammonium sulfate plant to be established in 2025 is 720,000 tons/year. The location chosen for the establishment of this factory is in the Buluminung Industrial Estate in North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan. The process of making ammonium sulfate uses the Merseburg Process which consists of …

The Role of the Merseburg Process in Industrial …

The use of the Merseburg process for this and similar processes will provide significant advantages to the manufacturer in reaching the target - ed emission amount. ... Although an ammonium sulphate production is foreseen with the evaluation of carbon dioxide and phosphogypsum waste with the Merseburg process, the effect of …

Focusing on the Merseburg process: benefits on industrial

In this manner, the Merseburg process (the ammono-carbonation of gypsum) allows both CO 2 capture and PG recycling. Products are ammonium sulfate, …

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