
الكسارة مصنعة بخامات مصرية وبمكونات جاهزة أوروبية الصنع . هيكل الكسارة مصنع من الواح الصلب تخانة 3 مم وغرفة التكسير من مقاطع الصلب 50 مم .. غرفة التكسير مقاس 60 سم طول و40 سم عرض.

Puleo Vega 10 Destemmer-Crusher

Puleo Vega 10 Destemmer-Crusher Production rate of 1-10 tons per hour. The Puleo Vega 10 is equipped with domestically available electrical components to ensure component availability. Its' simple operation and configuration will provide the best possible results in fruit handling.

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Crush Pad Equipment : Destemmers

Depending on how gently you would like the destemmer to handle your fruit and your budget we highly recommend looking at the Imma i-series destemmers as shown above at Tobin James Cellars. They will offer your winemaker the most features & options and are specifically designed and engineered to be gentle and will provide whole berry destemming with a minimum of jacks .


All Delta destemmers have been designed to offer quality harvesting by hand or machine. With or without de-stemming shafts, Bucher Vaslin's range of de-stemming equipment ensures efficiency and respect for the harvest.

DS-type destemmer | Sraml

DS-type destemmer Designed to process small or large quantities of grapes unloaded from belt elevator or grape trailers, the DS-type destemmer, equipped with a hopper auger for a …

Destemmer & Crusher — Bucher Vaslin North America

Oscillys destemmer operates without any rotating shaft or cage to avoid mechanical interaction with clusters to avoid the creation of MOG and eliminates stem shear.

Grifo Crusher Destemmer

Full enamel mild steel body, motorised crusher destemmer with feeder auger and spring mounted nylon rollers for a more gentle crushing action.

محركات السيرفو Pdf بالتفصيل (Servo Motors)

نرفق لكم ملفان يتناولان شرح محركات السيرفو Servo Motors بالتفصيل بداية من التعريف بها والفكرة ...

محرك الديزل, آلية عمله مع الأعطال وطريقة إصلاحها | دليل سيارة

تاريخ محركات الديزل. تم اختراع محرك الديزل من قبل المهندس الألماني رودولف ديزل، وقد قام ديزل بتقديم براءة اختراع لهذا المحرك في 23 فبراير 1893.

Crush Pad Equipment : Destemmers

Grape Destemmers When is comes to Grape Destemmers the Vintner Vault has you covered! Whether you are a large production winery producing hundres of thousands of cases annaully, …

Zambelli Crusher Destemmer Stainless Gamma 25

Crusher-Destemmer, S/S, Gamma 25 w/pump, 2HP 220 volt. Crusher/De-Stemmer on Wheels with Pump. This item cannot be ordered online. If the item shows as out of stock, it may be seasonal or on its way.

Zambelli Gamma 15 Destemmer with Must Pump (1.5 Ton)

Zambelli Gamma 15 1.5 Ton/Hr Destemmer with Must Pump. Renowned for quality, these Zambelli destemmers are brilliantly designed and robust enough to last a lifetime.

الصين العنب كسارة Destemmer المصنعين الموردين

نحن ٪ 27re المهنية العنب كسارة destemmer المصنعين و الموردين في الصين ٪ 2c المتخصصة في توفير عالية جودة حسب الطلب الخدمة. نحن بحرارة نرحب أنت إلى شراء العنب كسارة destemmer ل بيع هنا من لدينا مصنع .

Winery Destemmers & Crushers

Grape Crusher Destemmer - Manual with Stainless Finish. Price $900.00. Sizes & Options. Winery & Professional Grade Wine Making Supplies & Equipment including Crushers, …

دليل اختيار قطع غيار الكسارة للمخاريط والفكين والصدمات

هذا هو دليل اختيار أجزاء تآكل الكسارة للكسارة المخروطية ، الكسارة الفكية ، والكسارة الصدمية بواسطة Qiming Machinery.

Sraml Destemmers | Wine and Cider Press | Vitikit

SRAML destemmer features include: • Polyethylene cage available with different hole sizes • Destemmer shaft with soft rubber tips adjustable by length and inclination • Electronic speed variator to control the cage and shaft rotation • Easy and fast tool-free (dis)assembly • Easy access to the interior and surrounding equipment for efficient cleaning and maintenance • …

Destemming Machines HP, GC, XL | CenturionPro Destemmers

The brand new CenturionPro GC Destemmer is an operator-run destemming machine that requires the operator to apply gentle pressure to feed the stem in the machine.

Grape de-stemmers and crushers

Winegrowers Supplies - Grape Crusher/De-stemmers. An article about crushing and de-stemming.De-stemming before crushing is far better than crushing first. Crusher/De-stemmers:-With these models you can adjust the gap between the rollers, a couple of nuts have to be undone and one roller slid outwards before re-tightening.

Winery Destemmers & Crushers

Grape Destemmers and Crushers for Wineries. EMME 120 Destemmer Crusher with Must Collection Hopper (12 - 15 Ton)

DS-type destemmer | Sraml

Auger installed in hopper of DS-type destemmer ensures uniform grape feed and a most gentle and efficient separation of grape berries from the stems.

Crush And Destem Your Grapes Like A Pro

The Marchisio Crusher & Destemmer is a motorized grape stemmer that allows you to process up to 2,200 pounds of grapes per hour. Basically, there is a set of rollers that act to gently crush the grapes in order to loosen the stem from the skin of the grape.


Destemmer Crusher for professional wine making. NEW FOR 2016 ! EMME 200 SPECIAL. The destemmer-crusher Emme 120 is entirely made of stainless steel AISI 304.


EQUIPMENT. Stainless steel design; Multiple adjusting options to match grape varieties and quality thanks to frequency-controlled drive of the modular conveyor belt and destem finger rollers

Zambelli Emme 60 Destemmer Crusher with Must Hopper …

The Zambelli Emme 60 features a Wide-Load Hopper with a variable speed Feeding Auger, variable speed Destemming Drum and Shaft, removable Crushing Unit, motorized Must Collection Hopper with Auger, and is driven by a 220 volt, single-phase, 3 horsepower motor with variable frequency control capable of processing up to 6 - 8 tons of grapes per hour.

Joyal-كسارة ذات درافيل

ميزة. 1. توفير الطاقة مع أقل استهلاكها 2. يمكن تعديل الحجم الحبيبي للمنتحات بمجرد تعديل الشقوق بين الدرافيل المزدوجة مما يزيد قدرة الإنتاج ومعدل التكسير.

Manual Grape Crusher Destemmer with Painted Hopper

Manual Crusher - Destemmer with Painted Hopper. Since 2000, Quality Wine and Ale Supply and HomeBrewIt have provided home wine makers and with everything they need to make their best wine.

Destemmer & Crusher — Bucher Vaslin North America

Renowned for quality, these Zambelli destemmers are brilliantly designed and robust enough to last a lifetime. This unit has an integrated centrifugal must pump, fixed-position drum with …

Sraml Destemmers | Wine and Cider Press | Vitikit

Features. SRAML destemmer features include: • Polyethylene cage available with different hole sizes • Destemmer shaft with soft rubber tips adjustable by length and inclination • Electronic …

Grape Destemmer and Crushing Machine | Dates …

Grape Destemmer Breaker Application. Grape destemming and breaking machine could be operated with grape selecting machine, double screw press machine, filter, and wine fermentation machine for processing grape wine. The …

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