(PDF) Green Financing Efficiency and Influencing Factors of Chinese …

A total of 67 listed companies in the construction industry from 2017 to 2020 were taken as the research sample, the green financing efficiency was measured, and its influencing factors were ...

Quantifying the Green Efficiency of the Construction Industry in China

To define and quantify the "Green Efficiency" of the construction industry, this study integrated greenhouse gas (GHG), air pollutant emissions, and energy consumption into the efficiency evaluation framework, which was established using data envelopment analysis (DEA) and Malmquist models to measure China's provincial green …

Magnetic Field-assisted Microbial Corrosion Construction …

@article{Zhang2023MagneticFM, title={Magnetic Field-assisted Microbial Corrosion Construction Iron Sulfides Incorporated Nickel-Iron Hydroxide towards Efficient Oxygen Evolution}, author={Xianzheng Zhang and Yanan Chen and Zhiyong Ye and Huilin Hu and Ling Lei and Feng You and Junlong Yao and Huan Yang and Xueliang Jiang}, …

China's energy consumption in construction and building …

A peak energy use between 1155 and 1243 Mtce is projected to occur in 2050. As China takes great efforts to cap its total energy consumption, it is important to understand the future energy use in all sectors. This paper aims to present a long-term prediction of energy use in China's construction and building sectors (CBS) up to the …

Comparison of the Technologies of the Japanese Shinkansen and Chinese

In the HSR area, if we combine Japanese experience and the related know-how with highly reliable and safe components and Chinese efficient construction and manufacturing ability and highly progressive development, the results will contribute much to HSRs across the world (Zhang 2009b).

The construction efficiency study of China National …

The Chinese government proposed the establishment of China National Ecological Civilization Pilot Zone in 2016 to further explore the coordinated development of economy and environment. Fujian, Jiangxi, and Guizhou provinces were selected as the first batch of pilot zones. After years of exploration, it is necessary to discuss and …

Facile construction of photocatalytic cellulose-based …

Facile construction of photocatalytic cellulose-based sponge with stable flotation properties as efficient and recyclable photocatalysts for sewage treatment ... 1 School of Textiles, Zhongyuan University of Technology, No. 41 Zhongyuan Road (M), Zhengzhou, Henan Province 450007, China; Collaborative Innovation Centre of Textile and Garment ...

Investigating interior driving factors and cross

Firstly, carbon emission efficiency of China's construction industry is low with a clear downward trend, where the efficiency average value is about 0.8 during the whole sample period. Moreover, the carbon emission efficiency of 2009–2016 is much lower than that of 2003–2008 because the construction output made a consistent …

Green & Energy Efficient Buildings

Green & Energy Efficient Buildings. China is the largest building construction market in the world, with up to 2 billion square meters constructed annually. In 2017, buildings accounted for 21% of the total energy consumption of China. The carbon emission of buildings was 2 billion tons of CO2, accounting for almost 20% of total carbon ...

Roadmap for Energy-Efficient Buildings and Construction in …

The Roadmap for Energy-Efficient Buildings and Construction in ASEAN focuses on the policy tools available for ASEAN Member States to drive energy efficiency improvements in the building sector to help meet growing needs for residential and non-residential floor space and energy services, while limiting the growth in energy demand …

The governance-production nexus of eco-efficiency in Chinese …

1. Introduction. Resource-based cities are those whose leading industries involve the exploitation and processing of natural resources, such as minerals, forests, and fossil fuel (The Chinese Government, 2013a).The heavy resource dependence of resource-based cities inevitably leads to a large demand for fossil fuel, a vast quantity of CO 2 …

Stepwise construction of Pt decorated oxygen-deficient …

Stepwise construction of Pt decorated oxygen-deficient mesoporous titania microspheres with core-shell structure and magnetic separability for efficient visible-light photocatalysis. Author links open overlay panel Zhijian Li b 1, Yao Wang a 1, ... This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 51372041 ...

Frontiers | Can the development of digital construction …

1 School of Energy and Civil Engineering, Harbin University of Commerce, Harbin, China; 2 School of Management, Harbin University of Commerce, Harbin, China; Introduction: With the rapid development of digital technology and its deep integration with the engineering and construction field, digital construction has become an effective …

E4 Country Profile: Energy Efficiency in China – Analysis

China has enormous energy efficiency improvement potential according to the IEA's Efficient World Scenario (EWS). Ensuring that China seizes all efficiency opportunities in a cost-effective manner will be crucial for both China and the world's transition to low-carbon energy. Energy consumption could reach a peak by 2030 and …

2022 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction

The 2022 Buildings-GSR finds that despite a substantial increase in investment and success at a global level lowering the energy intensity of buildings, the sector's total energy consumption and CO2 emissions increased in 2021 above pre-pandemic levels. Buildings energy demand increased by around 4% from 2020 to 135 EJ …

Construction of the Pilot Free Trade Zone and Chinese …

Abstract: In the context of China's "double carbon" target, paying attention to regional green total. factor energy efficiency (GTFEE) is crucial for ensuring a fundamental guarantee for ...

Construction of a macromolecular structural model of Chinese …

Construction of a macromolecular structural model of Chinese lignite and analysis of its low-temperature oxidation behavior ... High water content in lignite leads to its low combustion efficiency, which hinders its large-scale utilization. Herein, lignite was dried under nitrogen atmosphere and changes in its pore structure and functional ...

Bioinspired Construction of Ruthenium-decorated …

Rational construction of low-cost, efficient, and durable electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction(HER) is essential to further develop water electrolysis industry. Inspired by the natural enzyme catalysis with coordination environments of catalytic sites and three-dimensional structures, we construct an efficient Ru-based …

Urban construction land allocation efficiency of urban

The above-mentioned differences in construction land allocation efficiency in the east, middle, and west support Jeffrey Gale Williamson's inverted U-shaped development theory from the perspective of urban agglomeration resource allocation and allocation efficiency in China (Williamson, 1965). 5.3.

China: GEF Efficient and Green Freight Transport Project

Abstract*. The development objective of GEF Efficient and Green Freight Transport Project for China is to (i) improve the Recipient's institutional capacity to formulate and evaluate policies and strategies to promote green freight transport systems; and (ii) pilot innovative carbon emission. This project has three components.

The total-factor energy productivity growth of China's construction …

Energy technical efficiency in Chinese construction industry increased by approximately 1.6% annually, which means that the gap in energy technical efficiency among China's all regions has gradually narrowed since 2006. This is attributed to the research on the technology regarding energy conservation and emissions reduction in …

Weather window and efficiency assessment of offshore wind …

Construction weather window and efficiency analysis for the China adjacent seas was carried out using ERA5 reanalysis wind data and the hindcast wave data. Yearly averaged workloads of pile foundation construction were calculated and presented in Fig. 10. As can be seen, the workloads vary significantly in space, and the …

Coupling coordination analysis of China's water resources …

One of China's key initiatives has always been to coordinate the development of water resources and the economy. This research taking specific data as an example, and develop an evaluation index system of coupling coordination degree (CCD) for evaluating China's water resources utilization efficiency (WUE) and economic development level …

Sustainable efficiency and CO2 reduction potential of China…

The conclusions are as follows: (1) The average production efficiency of the construction industry in eastern, central and western China decreases successively, and the efficiency value in eastern and central China is higher than the national average, while the efficiency value in western China is opposite, which is consistent with the previous ...

A comprehensive analysis of building energy efficiency policies …

Ensuring high energy efficiency standards for new construction may allow China to achieve its greatest potential for energy savings (Amecke et al., 2013) and GHG emissions reduction (Li and Colombier, 2009; Xu et al., 2010). The core objective that China's building energy efficiency, in the current and future strategy, must achieve is a ...

Is transportation improving urbanization in China?

Shenyang is the typical area for the construction of Chinese urbanization. ... The scale of urban agglomeration efficiency is not obvious, and private capital rarely invests in infrastructure due to lower rate of return. Second, China, especially in the Western region, is still in the primary stages of urbanization, paying more attention to the ...

Carbon emissions induced by land use and land cover …

To better reveal the regional differences in carbon emissions induced by LUCC, the concept of LUCC-induced carbon emissions efficiency (LCEE) was developed, and an analytical framework for its measurement, transfer characteristics, and driving process was built in this study. Taking Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle (CCEC) as …

2020 Global Status Report for Buildings and …

This year's Buildings-GSR shines a light on the disruptions of COVID-19 and some of the responses in 2020, and includes a snapshot on emerging key issues: materials, nature-based solutions, health, and …

Carbon emission scenarios of China's construction industry …

China is currently one of the world's major energy consumers and CO 2 emitters. To save energy, and reduce consumption and carbon emissions, China proposed (at the 2020 United Nations General Assembly and Climate Summit) the introduction of stronger policies and measures for CO 2 emissions to peak in 2030 and to achieve …

Energy substitution, efficiency, and the effects of carbon …

But it increases by about 50% in the western region. Since energy intensity is the reciprocal of energy efficiency, it equals that energy efficiency for the construction sector in western China declines by 1/3. In the same way, energy efficiency of the construction sector improves by about and 40% in the eastern and central …

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