Bacterial community identification in poultry carcasses …

Poultry products are susceptible to contamination by pathogenic and spoilage bacteria during the slaughtering process. Molecular techniques have been used to assist in the identification of microorganisms in various microbiomes.The aim of this study was to identify bacterial components of the microbiome in poultry carcasses during the …

Chicken Carcasses Bacterial Concentration at Poultry Slaughtering

Staphylococcus is a bacteria common in the microbial flora of poultry. It is observed on chicken skin about 10 g -1 and it can reach to the amount of 10 3 g -1 after slaughtering. Staphylococcus aureus is a toxication which is food-borne. Factor of the disease is enterotoxins that organism excretes.

Composting livestock and poultry carcasses | UMN Extension

Composting is the conversion of organic material to carbon dioxide, water, heat and a stable humus-like product through aerobic (oxygen-aided) processes. With mortality composting, there are key stages to complete this process. The primary stage (1st heat cycle) is for the breakdown of soft tissue and softening of bones.

Alternatives for the Disposal of Poultry Carcasses

Methods for the disposal of poultry carcasses include burial, incineration, composting, and rendering. Burial and incineration impose environmental concerns that are becoming less acceptable.

Application of Peroxyacetic Acid for Decontamination of Raw Poultry …

For poultry carcasses, meat, parts, trim, and giblets, a LA solution with a concentration of up to 5% may be used as a postchill intervention (54). Commercial LA solutions can contain 80 to 88% (w/w) LA and must be stored in a cool and dry location for a shelf life of up to 3 years from the production date (4, 23).

Animal Carcass Management and Disposal During Disasters

In general, for small- and medium-sized carcasses such as poultry, pigs, sheep, etc., the active composting period may be up to 3 months . However, for large-sized carcasses such as mature beef and dairy cattle, horses or other large animals, the active composting phase may be up to 6 months . The end result of the entire process is the ...

10 tips for proper broiler evisceration | WATTAgNet

Remove feed from birds 8 to 12 hours prior to slaughter. Although not directly a part of evisceration, proper fasting of birds prior to slaughter is critical for good evisceration. A withdrawal period of 8 to 12 hours is recommended. If withdrawal time is shorter than 8 hours the gastrointestinal tract remains full of fecal material and is more ...

Tracking spoilage bacteria in commercial poultry processing …

Poultry carcasses. Broiler carcasses were obtained from a commercial poultry processing plant, as previously described (Hinton et al., 2002). Carcasses were taken from the plant during four visits between November 2001 and March 2002. No changes were made in processing operations during this time period. Prescalded …


Statistically significant lower microbial counts were observed in hygienically processed carcasses as compared with market carcasses. E. coli and fecal streptococci were completely absent in hygienically processed carcasses. ... Poultry carcasses possessed significant number of bacteria with significant risk of carcasses spoilage and …

Bacterial community identification in poultry carcasses …

The aim of this study was to identify bacterial components of the microbiome in poultry carcasses during the slaughter process, using high-throughput next generation sequencing (HT-NGS). Samples were collected from three slaughterhouses (A, B, and C) located in southern Brazil and included those taken from three points (initial, middle, and …

The primary chilling of poultry carcasses a review

the authors of this paper showed that deep breast tempera-tures measured in 257 carcasses immediately before enter-ing the chillers ranged from 29.6 to 42.4 C (mean (SD)


In most food plants, chlorine is purchased as sodium hypochlorite used in a solution containing 5-30% NaOCl. ( bleach contains 5.25% NaOCl). Commercial forms of NaOCl are provided in a range of concentrations of 3-50%. The most commonly used form in poultry processing plants worldwide is commercial bleach., which contains …

Bacterial community identification in poultry carcasses …

The aim of this study was to identify bacterial components of the microbiome in poultry carcasses during the slaughter process, using high-throughput next generation sequencing (HT-NGS). Samples were collected from three slaughterhouses (A, B, and C) located in southern Brazil and included those taken from three points …

Poultry processing

Poultry processing - Defeathering, Slaughter, Evisceration: The carcasses then go through the feather-picking machines, which are equipped with rubber "fingers" specifically designed to beat off the feathers. The carcasses are moved through a sequence of machines, each optimized for removing different sets of feathers. At this point the …

Spoilage Bacteria Counts on Broiler Meat at Different Stages …

The rinsate was poured back into the 3M bottles, the carcasses were returned to the rehang line, and then, the rinsate was stored on ice with the drumsticks and MDM for 1–3 h during transit back to the Mississippi State University Poultry Science BSL-2 …

Tracking spoilage bacteria in commercial poultry processing …

Shewanella putrefaciens is frequently found on chilled poultry carcasses (Hinton et al., 2004). Pseudomonas is the largest genera of raw chicken microflora, increasing in numbers during chilled ...

Escherichia coli and Enterobacteriaceae counts on poultry carcasses

Microbial contamination of poultry carcasses can be influenced by many factors during transport and slaughtering. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of four processing steps ...

Bacterial Contaminants of Poultry Meat: Sources, Species, …

Among poultry meat products, chicken carcasses, cuts, and processed products are the most consumed (~75% of total poultry meat) followed by turkey (~25%) and, to a lesser extent, duck . In France, 60% of the chicken meat is sold as fresh cuts [ 2 ], often stored under various modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) [ 4 ].

Poultry sector


Salmonella and Campylobacter reduction and quality

Innovations in poultry processing include implementation of antimicrobials in post-chill decontamination tanks. In this study, a total of 160 broiler carcasses were analyzed to evaluate the ...

Ante-Mortem and Post-Mortem Poultry Inspection

Under the Poultry Products Inspection Act (PPIA), FSIS IPP are to perform ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection of poultry to prevent the entry into commerce of adulterated products. Products that are not adulterated qualify to bear the mark of inspection. On August 17, 2023, FSIS published the final rule Condemnation of Poultry …

The primary chilling of poultry carcasses—a review

Primary chilling of poultry carcasses is carried out to produce a safe product by reducing the temperature of the meat to a point where the rate of growth of spoilage microorganisms is reduced and the growth of most pathogenic microorganisms is prevented. ... (24/45) from the final product stage. No isolates were detected in feed …

'Seeing' Poultry Carcass Contamination | The Poultry Site

Agricultural Research Service scientists have modified a hyperspectral imaging system used to scan the surface of poultry carcasses so it can detect very low levels of faecal contamination. 12 October 2009. 3 minute read. Agricultural Research Service scientists Kurt Lawrence, Bosoon Park, Bob Windham, and Seung-Chul Yoon – all in the Quality ...

Influence of food handlers' compliance with procedures of poultry …

1. Introduction. Campylobacter remains the most commonly reported zoonotic agent worldwide. A high fraction of campylobacteriosis cases in humans is accounted to the poultry reservoir and 20–30% of the cases to the handling, preparation and consumption of broiler meat (European Food Safety Authority, 2010).Risk assessment studies indicate …

Poultry sector

The poultry value chain PRIMARY BREEDING FARMS HATCHERIES BROILER FARMS PROCESSING PLANTS FEED MILLS RETAIL PRIMARY BREEDING FARMS The poultry supply chain starts with its first link, the primary breeding sector. Pedigree flocks are raised on farms under very stringent hygiene conditions, disease prevention controls and …

Salmonella and Campylobacter reduction and quality

Innovations in poultry processing include implementation of antimicrobials in post-chill decontamination tanks. In this study, a total of 160 broiler carcasses were analyzed to evaluate the efficacy of five post-chill water treatments consisting of 0.004% (40ppm) total chlorine, 0.04% (400ppm) or 0.1% (1000ppm) peracetic acid (PAA), and …

Microbial ecology on poultry carcasses along the production line

Post chill whole poultry carcasses from a commercial processing plant were stored in a processing combo at room temperature (70 °F/21 °C) for 54 h to mimic the scenario of temperature abuse ...

Feasibility of farming poultry, pigs and fish using local feeds …

All farm pig carcasses were classified on the basis of meatiness into class U (50.0-54.9% of lean meat content) while pig carcasses from smallholdings were graded as class R (the percentage of ...

The Microbial and Quality Properties of Poultry Carcasses Treated …

The first objective of this research was to determine the most effective levels of PAA against Salmonella spp. and Campylobacter spp. Salmonella Typhimurium and C. jejuni were selected because they are commonly found on chicken carcasses. When the PAA was added to the poultry chill water, all PAA levels tested (0.0025%, 0.01%, …

Machine vision system for on-line wholesomeness inspection of poultry

Abstract. A line-scan machine vision system and multispectral inspection algorithm was developed and evaluated for differentiation of wholesome and systemically diseased chickens on a high-speed processing line. The inspection system acquires line-scan images of chicken carcasses on a 140 /min processing line and is able to automatically ...

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