Eminent Domain, Public Use," and Mineral Resource …

ic use, eminent domain, mineral resource exploitation, South AfricaIntroductionEminent domain is the inalienable power of a sovereign state to take possessio. of the privately or communally-owned property in the interests of its citizens. Before possession can occur, two fundamental conditions must be met: (i) a public use requirement; and (ii ...

Disrupting harm in South Africa | UNICEF South Africa

The Disrupting Harm research was conducted in seven Eastern and Southern African, including South Africa, and six Southeast Asian countries. Data was synthesised from nine different research activities to generate each national report. These tell the story of the threat and present clear recommendations for action. Author (s)

Restoration of Lake St Lucia, the largest estuary in South Africa

St Lucia, the largest estuary in South Africa: historical perceptions, exploitation, management and recent policies, African Journal of Aquatic Science, 45:1-2, 183-197, DOI: 10.2989/16085914.2020 ...

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Youth in South …

It is reported that there are over 13.4 million children in South Africa between the ages of 5 and 17 years (Budlender & Bosch, 2002). Twenty-five percent (25%) of them are engaged in economic activities. Out of those, 1.45% are engaged in commercial agriculture and 17.8% are engaged in construction and mining.

CASE-SA | The Centre Against Sexual Exploitation, South Africa

The Centre Against Sexual Exploitation, South Africa – Looking back at our work over the first trimester of 2022. At the Centre Against Sexual Exploitation, South Africa (CASE-SA), we live to see every person's inherent dignity being respected and protected, and for all people to live lives free from pornography and other forms of sexual …

The Plight of South African Commercial Farm Workers: …

For centuries, commercial farm workers in South Africa have endured exploitation and abuse, facing violations of their labour rights that continue to plague the …

South Africa underinvestment to protect children from sexual exploitation

South African government's underinvestment inhibits efforts to protect children from sexual exploitation. Posted on Oct 29, 2019. A new briefing paper jointly launched today by ECPAT International and the Youth Research Unit of the Bureau of Market Research at the University of South Africa, warns that high levels of violence, …

Celebrating our Heritage means celebrating YOU, our avid COBBers!

Celebrating our Heritage means celebrating YOU, our avid COBBers! 🇿🇦 Share your favourite South African COBB recipes with us. If you share them before or on the 13th of September, you stand a chance to be featured in our blog 📖 Make sure to use #COBBINGlekker and let's get cooking!COBB Grill NZ @theanglerskitchen #COBBINGlekker #heritagemonth …

Shellfish Exploitation Strategies at the Pinnacle Point Shell …

Katharine Kyriacou Department of Anthropology and Development Studies, University of Johannesburg, Auckland Park, South Africa Correspondence Katharine.kyriacou@gmail Pages 540-557 | Received 08 Jul 2016, Accepted 12 Nov 2016, Published online: 15 Dec 2016

South Africa

South Africa - British Occupation, Colonization, Boer War: When Great Britain went to war with France in 1793, both countries tried to capture the Cape so as to control the important sea route to the East. The British occupied the Cape in 1795, ending the Dutch East India Company's role in the region. Although the British relinquished the …

The ongoing exploitation of Africa | Revealing …

The exploitation of Africa began with the wars inspired to procure enslaved people and the export of the most fit and strong members of Africa's population. It continued with colonisation in the nineteenth …

Introduction. Work across Africa: labour exploitation and …

Work across Africa: labour exploitation and mobility in Southern, Eastern and Western Africa - Volume 87 Issue 1 ... Lacey, M. (1981) Working for Boroko: the origins of a coercive labour system in South Africa. Johannesburg: Ravan.Google Scholar. McDowell, J. (2000) 'A history of the South African textile industry: the pioneering phase …


South Africa ranked 16 out of the 60 countries scored by the Out of the Shadows Index on the country's response to child sexual exploitation and abuse, with a score of 58.1. Within Sub-Saharan Africa, South Africa was the top performer among 16 countries surveyed, ranking just ahead of Uganda (57.3) and Tanzania (56.5).

We Cry for our Land: Farm workers in South Africa

In this book, black South African farm workers describe their working lives in their own words. Six million people – labourers and their families – are virtually no better …


TO SOUTH AFRICA 2.1 The Social Impact of Illegal Immigration to South Africa 87 2.2 The Impact of Increasing Numbers of Illegal Immigrants on the South 90 African Economy 2.3 The Financial Cost Associated with the Deportation and Detention 92 of Illegal Immigrants 3. POLITICAL IMPLICATIONS OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION INTO SOUTH …

Expected wastewater volumes associated with unconventional …

Unconventional oil and gas (UOG) exploitation may generate large volumes of wastewater, with dire environmental consequences if not properly managed. We systematically reviewed literature, reports, and fracking databases to determine possible volumes of wastewater that may be generated during UOG extraction. We then …

Eminent Domain, "Public Use", and Mineral Resource Exploitation …

He is an alumnus of the University of Fort Hare, East London Campus, South Africa. Prof. Umejesi Ikechukwu teaches in the department of sociology, University of Fort Hare, East London Campus, South Africa. His research interests focus on natural resource exploitation, state-community relations, environmental risks, vulnerability and policy.

Forced Labor Exploitation: Illegal Trading in Protected …

Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa. In the Southern African countries, the incidents of forced labor are on the increase and South Africa is more affected, …

Violations of farm workers' labour rights in post …

Commercial farm workers in South Africa endured centuries of exploitation and abuse until the 1990s, when progressive legislation …

Sweatshop Sugar: Labour Exploitation in South Africa's …

While the industry's fourteen mills employ a total of about 5,000 workers, upwards of 74,000 workers render their labour to plant, weed, and harvest the vast expanses of cane – around 430,000 hectares – that stretch across the rolling hills of South Africa's eastern seaboard. Almost none of these workers are unionised.


What is Petroleum Agency SA? Petroleum Agency SA promotes exploration for onshore and offshore oil and gas resources and their optimal development on behalf of government. The Agency regulates exploration and production activities, and acts as the custodian of the national petroleum exploration and production database.

(PDF) Atypical or Non-Standard Work: A Challenge to

University of Limpopo (Turfloop Campus), South Africa. [email protected]. Doi:10.5901/mjss. 2014.v5n27p1067. Abstract. This article discusses the problem of atypical or non-standard work in the ...

Violations of farm workers' labour rights in post-apartheid South Africa

1. Introduction. The relationship between commercial farmers and farm workers in South Africa has been complex and multi-layered since its origins in 'master-slave' relations at the Cape of Good Hope in the seventeenth century (Waldman Citation 1996; Williams Citation 2016), but has always been characterised by power asymmetries …

Mine Operations in South Africa: Community and …

The South African mining industries are experiencing many difficulties; one of them is the unrest of the communities protesting about unemployment and poverty.

Liberalism vs Marxisim-Leninism and the Future of Education in South Africa

Cobber (1987:312) notes that Hobbes conceived of a right as the "liberty each man has to use his own power as he will himself, for the preservation of his own nature - that is to say, his own life". ... The SACP states that it seeks to end the system of capitalist exploitation in South Africa and to establish a socialist society based on ...

The Impact of Colonialism | South African History Online

Imperialism is a policy of extending a country's power and influence through colonisation, use of military force, or other means. Over the past 500 years there have been different phases of colonisation. Trading Stations. In the early stages of colonisation, colonies were mainly trading stations.

Human Trafficking Risk Factors in Copper Production in …

Human Rights Watch (HRW) has reported serious exploitation, including indicators of human trafficking, of adult Zambian workers in Chinese-state owned copper mines.

Borders and Exploitation: Migrant Labor Systems in California and South

The exploitation of migrant workers thus hinges on their constitution as political subjects. Key to this process is the differentiation of sending and receiving societies through the constitution and policing of borders. One study that begins to explore these themes is Burawoy's (1976) comparison of migrant labor in California and South Africa.

2021 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor: South …

Children in South Africa are subjected to the worst forms of child labor, including in commercial sexual exploitation, sometimes as a result of human trafficking, forced begging, and use in illicit activities. (1-3) The 2019 Survey of Activities of Young People found that 5 percent of children are engaged in child labor with the percentage of ...

Sexual exploitation of children is rampant in South Africa

South Africa is emerging as a global economic powerhouse boasting the continents biggest economy and securing its position as the richest country in Africa. Despite this, South Africa is one of the most unequal societies in the world with persistent racial inequalities and widespread poverty. Children are particularly affected, with some …

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