Comparative Study of Basic Properties of Mud Prepared with Nigerian …

O James et al, Beneficiation and Characterisation of A Bentonite F rom North-Eastern Nigeria, Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science. 124(4) (2008) 154 – 158. [5].

Parametric investigation of indigenous Nigeria mineral

In contrast, Nigeria bentonite clay have unique properties that can be processed and used as an alternative. This paper evaluates the suitability of kaolin and sodium bentonite from southern Nigeria as fillers in the Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit. ... Beneficiation of sodium bentonite clay was done by sodium sulphide-oxalic acid …

Characterization and Beneficiation of Clays from …

for the standard bentonite clay, the LOI was between14.8-15.63 while for standard bentonite clay is 15.73. After beneficiation with Na 2 CO 3, the clays showed improvement to the extent that they can be used for drilling purpose. Apugo-Nwosu et al. [22] studied the tendency of Ubakala bentonite clay to be used for drilling mud formulation.

Characterization of some clay deposits in southwest Nigeria …

It is estimated that kaolinite clay deposits in Nigeria are about three billion metric tons while the bentonite clay reserve is projected to be more than 700 million metric tons [2]. Appropriate and optimal exploitation of this vast resource for economic benefit is dependent on the characterization of the various deposits to determine areas of ...

Beneficiation of Nigerian bentonite using local materials – …

Beneficiation of Nigerian bentonite using local materials Kevin C. Igwilo, N. Uwaezuoke, N. Okoli, Franklin T. Obasi, Emeka E. Okoro; Affiliations Kevin C. Igwilo Department of Petroleum Engineering, Federal University of Technology N. Uwaezuoke Department of Petroleum Engineering, Federal University of Technology ...

Evaluation of economic viability of beneficiated barite

Sample collection and processing were based on the recommended practice for field testing water-based drilling fluids API 13B-1, in efforts to beneficiate, and demonstrate the fit for purpose and suitability of Nigerian bentonite deposits in oil well drilling applications. 2. Materials and methods2.1. Sampling

Evaluation of local bentonitic clay as oil well drilling fluids in Nigeria

This is to evaluate the performance of the local clays for drilling operations in Nigeria.The free swell volume, gel strength, filtration and rheological properties of Pindiga mud improved as clay ...

Results of Elemental Analysis of Raw Bentonite Clays

With proper beneficiation of local bentonite in Nigeria, they can be made suitable for drilling operations in the oil and gas industry. View. Show more. Get access to 30 million figures.

A Review of Nigerian Bentonitic Clays as Drilling Mud

This paper presents dataset on the beneficiation of a Nigerian clay mineral for drilling mud application. The experimental design applied used a Response Surface Design (RSM), which involved 2-4 ...

Evaluating the Efficiency of Nigerian Local Bentonite …

discovered in several towns in Nigeria. Modest estimate of the bentonite clay reserves in Nigeria by Aigbedion and Iyayi (2007) place the reserve at 166.9 million metric tons. For just this reason and due to the vast resources employed in the importation of foreign bentonite, the Federal Government placed an embargo on the importation

bentonite beneficiation in nigeria

Artículos de productos bentonite crusher nigeria - bentonite mining machine abuja nigeria Grinding Mill bentonite clay in nigeria Gold Ore Crusher Bentonite Beneficiation Equipment Nigeria Bentonite Clay Konga Nigeria Bentonite clay is an active ingredient in personal care products like facial creams body lotions …


Nigeria is richly endowed with 44 different minerals types scattered in more than 450 different locations across the country. ... Gold, barite, bentonite, limestone, coal, bitumen, iron ore ...

Beneficiation of Nigerian bentonite using local …

3402 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2020) 10:3399–3407 1 3 Results and discussion SaaMucuna solannie compositions Figures 1and2 showthesnailshellandMucuna solan- nieSEMimagerepresentations,whileFigs. 3and4 show the additives elemental counts that gave rise to Tables˝1

Beneficiation of Nigerian bentonite using local materials

Keywords Beneficiation · Economic analysis · Fluid loss · Foreign bentonite · Mucuna solannie · Nigeria bentonite · Rheological properties · Snail shell Abbreviations FB Foreign bentonite NB Nigerian bentonite SS Snail shell MS Mucuna solannie YP/PV Yield point-to-plastic viscosity ratio Introduction Nigeria as of the year 2016 had about ...

Formulation of Water-Based Drilling Fluid Using Local Materials

The vast deposits of Nigerian bentonite clay have many significant uses in different aspects of industrial fields of which the oil and gas industry is a potential consumer of this clay mineral. ... Accepted 20 January 2012) Key words : Ewet-Offot clay, Beneficiation, Bentonite, Rheological properties, Nigeria Abstract - In a quest to provide a ...

bentonite beneficiation in nigeria

Nigerian Bentonite and Its Characterization Nigeria has been blessed with an abundance of bentonite . International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Engineering 2020; 8(5): 116-123 117 ... to poor quality of NB and hence the need for beneficiation [8].

(PDF) Beneficiation and Characterisation of a Bentonite …

Abstract: A sample of Yola montmorillonite clay deposit was beneficiated and evaluated for drilling fluid application. The raw clay contains large proportion of impurities and was beneficiated via dry and wet methods and sodium treatment. The clay

(PDF) Evaluation of Available Clay in Nigeria for Suitability …

Research Paper December 2016. Evaluation of Available Clay in Nigeria for Suitability as Oil. W ell Drilling Fluid. Udie, A. C. 1 Nwakaudu, S. M. 2 and Abu, C 1. 1 Department of Petroleum ...

bentonite beneficiation in nigeria

for the standard bentonite clay, the LOI was between14.8-15.63 while for standard bentonite clay is 15.73. After beneficiation with Na 2 CO 3, the clays showed improvement to the extent that they can be used for drilling purpose. Apugo-Nwosu et al. [22] studied the tendency of Ubakala bentonite clay to be used for drilling mud formulation.

Beneficiation and Characterization of A Benetonite From …

The document summarizes research on the characterization and beneficiation of bentonite clay from the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy were used to analyze the chemical composition and mineralogy of the clay. The optimum addition of sodium carbonate was found to be 2-3% …

Comparative Study of Basic Properties of Mud Prepared with Nigerian …

Moreover, future prospects and key problems to be solved regarding the use of Nigerian bentonite deposits for drilling mud formulation were discussed. This review shed new light on both fundamental and practical studies that are concentrated on the use of Nigerian bentonite for drilling mud formulation. ... Bentonite Mud with Beneficiation ...

Takada 1995) °f Yola bentonite in order to upgrade the …

The rather high 7dd million tonnes has been found in North-eastern viscosity of sodium montmorillonites had been attribut- Nigeria;the clay

Beneficiation and applications of an Egyptian bentonite

Beneficiation of the bentonite ore. The results of beneficiation showed that applying a flowsheet based on attrition scrubbing of the crushed bentonite ore followed by classification with a hydrocyclone succeeded in removing much of the associated quartz and calcite as an underflow (about 15 wt.%) fraction. So, this underflow fraction was ...

(PDF) Properties and application of Nigerian bentonite clay …

The vast deposits of Nigerian bentonite clay have many significant uses in different aspects of industrial fields of which the oil and gas industry is a potential consumer of this clay mineral. ... The local mud PH values responded positively on beneficiation with 1.0g of potash, the modification raised the mud PH value to fall within the ...

(PDF) Effect of Beneficiation on the Characteristics of …

According to past studies, Nigerian Bentonites are found to be deficient in both fluid loss and rheological properties. Due to the deficiency of the Nigerian bentonite (NB), a good majority of ...

Economic Evaluation of Beneficiating Nigerian …

Association (OCMA) grade bentonite; thus requires a lot of beneficiation to make them meet the API bentonite standard [9, 10]. The use of local materials [11] and sodium salt for the beneficiation of these clays has been largely employed [12] by various researchers in the conversion of montmorillonite clays that are calcium based into

Suitability of Nigerian Bentonite in Drilling Fluid Formulation

Various rheological and filtration tests were carried out on both unbeneficiated and beneficiated local clay from Afuze, Nigeria using a six-speed Rheometer and API filter press respectively. Beneficiation involved the addition of sodium carbonate, caustic soda and starch to the mud formulations.Clay concentrations were varied from 20g/350ml to ...

Dataset on the beneficiation of a Nigerian bentonite clay …

This paper presents dataset on the bene fi ciation of a Nigerian clay mineral for drilling mud application. The experimental design applied used a Response Surface Design (RSM), which involved 2 4 (2-Level, 4-Factors) to generate statistical models, and analyze the dataset. The independent variables were (Bentonite; X 1), (Polymer;

A Review of Nigerian Bentonitic Clays as Drilling Mud

Abstract Nigerian bentonite has low fluid loss control and poor rheological properties which are key API specifications. ... Dataset on the beneficiation of a Nigerian bentonite clay mineral for drilling mud formulation. R. Afolabi T. Ogunkunle O. Olabode E. O. Yusuf. Environmental Science, Engineering. Data in brief. 2018; 5. PDF.

(PDF) 20 g of local Bentonite Clay), (20 g of local Bentonite …

With proper beneficiation of local bentonite in Nigeria, they can be made suitable for drilling operations in the oil and gas industry. Map of Ondo State showing location of study area. Modified ...

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